Can JADEVER JWI-710 weighing indicator connect to Light tower?
Yes, The indicator can be connected to light tower via RS-232 + Relay board.
How to set JWI-710 indicator to make the light tower work?
First, Function Setting
Press key UNIT/SET to power on, or long press key UNIT/SET under normal weighing mode to enter function setting.
Press key UNIT/SET to enter the parameter setting.
Press ZERO/ESC to save and return to weighing condition.
Second, Parameter setting
1. Check weighing memory: ON
2. Check weighing function: ON
3. Check Weighing buzzer beep: Hi, OK, Lo, Out, No,Beep
Description of Parameter Values
1.Check weighing memory
on:Check weighing on when reboot
off:Check weighing off when reboot
2.Check weighing function
On: Check weighing under the condition that the weight is within the limits and the stable indication appears.
Off: Check weighing under the condition that the weight is within the limits
3.Check Weighing buzzer beep
Hi: There will be a warning sound when the weight of articles exceeds the upper limit, and the weight is equal or more than 20d
LO: There will be a warning sound when the weight of articles under the lower limit, and the weight is equal or more than 20d
ok:There will be a warning sound when the weight of articles is between the upper and lower limit (including the upper and lower limits), and the weight is equal or more than 20d
out:There will be a warning sound when the weight of articles is beyond the upper & lower limit, and the weight is equal or more than 20d
no.beep: without beep when do weighing check